John Law: Bell Maker and Inventor

This archival photo shows John Law’s cottage at 121 Clarence Street as it was during his lifetime. His brass foundry, smelter and chimney can be seen on the right hand side of the photograph. Photo: UWO Archives.

For $132,900, someone with a passion for history can purchase one of the treasures of SoHo’s past. That treasure is the aluminum-sided cottage at 121 Clarence Street, the long-time home of John Law.

Law, a pioneer plumber, gas fitter, brass and bell founder and inventor, operated one of SoHo’s more interesting businesses. His final foundry was located right behind his home, at the end of Hill Street beside the river. That factory eventually became the Canadian Smelting and Refining Works – operating at least into the 1950s. Continue reading “John Law: Bell Maker and Inventor”

Young Fisherman Survives Fall from SoHo’s L&PS Bridge

photo Glen Curnoe

On a summer’s day in 1919, Tommy Wilson of 231 Horton Street miraculously survived one very great adventure. That adventure was falling 50 feet off the London & Port Stanley (L&PS) railway bridge at Philip Street, and into the waters of the Thames below. What was miraculous is that Tommy missed several huge stones that dotted the river – and that a daring soldier managed to locate the little boy on the river bottom. All in all, Tommy had a day that he, the soldier and the L&PS train crew, would never forget. Continue reading “Young Fisherman Survives Fall from SoHo’s L&PS Bridge”